Year: 2024

Stations of the Cross Depiction

To celebrate the Passion of our Lord journeying to his death, my class and I participated in a depiction of the Stations of the Cross. I played Simon of Cyrene, a man who was randomly chosen to help Jesus carry his heavy cross. 


I felt like I was there when Jesus trembled, fell, struck and whipped. Jesus was nailed to the cross on Golgotha, giving up his life for billions of people around the world. After all 14 stations, I sang a beautiful song called “Were you there when they crucified my Lord”. It was a very sad moment witnessing the death of Jesus, but knowing that in 3 days, he would rise again. 

The Zoo

Zoo by Anthony Browne is a story we studied for English. What is the role of the zoo and what is the relationship between man and animals? Above is my recreation of an Orangutan enclosure and below is a diary entry from the POV of the Orangutan entering it for the first time.




The zookeeper opens the door. Amazement fills me up inside. Colourful patterns fly over my head. Chirping critters lay hidden among the leaves that have fallen on the ground. I sit on the grass, taking in the smell of fresh dew. Right now, nature is the only thing pleasing my ears. I walk around my enclosure, the leaves rustling and crunching beneath my feet. Clean, running water fills the pond I drink from as it cools my tongue. I lie down comfortably next to the pond, as the cool breeze rushes up to my back. Finally, after years of isolation from my habitat, I feel at home.